
An unexpected endpoint to the day.

And so I arrived in Delhi, 1340 rupees in my pocket from last time. Thought to rest in the airport, catch first metro to kashmir gate and find a bus to darmasala... A fine and simple plan...until I put my debit card into the cash machine and got an apology. and another, and, well you get the picture....the bank had blocked it...hmm...continuing the run of misfortune (Austrian airlines got in touch after I'd landed to say I could take my guitar as hand luggage). And then it got typical India stylee...

Taken to a place to cash my emergency travellers cheques, unable to risk a room, attempted rip off of magnificent proportions, which when they found out it wasn't going to work meant no travellers cheques would be cashed. Another stop, a borrowed phone and the bank kindly gave me access to my account....while gently chiding me for not informing them of my plans..

Then an offer of a flight to srinigar and three nights on a houseboat for £150...meant darmasala later, I hope, but I finally made it to kashmir...

Too tired to do much, but how beautiful it is. Am not on dal lake but 4.5km out of town, which suits the moment. No exploration today, continual dropjaw at the landscape. Few photos taken, this my favourite despite its flaws...

And utterly exhausted. No idea what happens next, tomorrow I hope town...would like to hang about and do some day treks but I think that prices are prohibitive for going solo. Shall see....and the pass from Leh to manali is still closed....

But I'm in kashmir, a long held desire:-) not all bad then...another adventure beckons...

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