Spots and Stripes
Not a great start to the day. Up early, despite which I was rushing to get to the dentist for my 9.30 appointment. As I sat down in the waiting room, the receptionist asked my name. Two minutes later, she asked for my first name, with a puzzled expression. A minute after that, she said, "I'm so sorry, Mr H, it appears that your appointment is for next Tuesday, according to our records".
I phoned Meles at home to check and, yes; I had written the appointment down on the calendar on the 13th correctly and it was just my stupidity which had made me think that that was today... and not corrected that impression for the last two or three days of anticipation.
Spent a few subsequent hours at the allotment. I did a lot of work, but by the time I left, you would hardly notice the difference unless you looked closely. Ah, weel...
This splendid Helophilus pendulus was disporting herself among the Euphorbia flowers, though, and having a great time.
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