Puffed Up and Ready

I called Shelley (Naturelover), and asked her if she wanted to take a hike. 20 minutes later...we were a-walkin.

She took off like a rabbit on a mission. I didn't say it...but I thought...SLOW DOWN! I'M CARRYING A PACK!! I huffed and puffed to keep up with her. She finally gave up the lead, and I was able to slow it down a tad.

We had three nice stare downs. The first with a chickadee, the second with a deer, and the third with a snake. (I enjoyed the first two.) She then had to leave to get somewhere, and I spotted this robin on the second time around.

Speaking of the PACK...the new name for it is...is...is...(drum roll please)...with thanks to kimmiekims...Rucksanne. How clever is that? Since I've already used it many times...it looks like I'm stucky with the rucky. That's good...because I like it. Rucksanne...is this man's...new bag.

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