My Best Efforts - Year 3


Close-up In the Kitchen........

...........and you won't have a problem seeing what this is! - taken 30mins ago


1) JanetH. her Mother (PGH), Anni (BikerBear ) and her Mother (me!) had a mini BlipMeet at a nearby Garden Centre where we met up for lunch. Lunch was good and the company EXCELLENT - will have to do it again sometime! Was lovely to meet them both.

2) Had to return the Heart Monitor (previously talked about the chaos with that!!)

.....which is why this is a very last minute Blip - however I do like the colour of the glass!

As Anni said in her much earlier Blip, the weather started off really wet but by the time it was 9.30am, the sun was out and it turned into a lovely, really warm day - even now at 7.45pm the temperature is 57 Deg F.!!

Hope you have had as nice a day as I have.

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