Licensed to Chill

By 007Roo


Well after yesterday's frivolities it was back down to earth with a crash, back into work and a full ward and an emergency thrown in for good measure.

I had to call in after work to our local pet shop, we obviously know the girls in there and they always ask after the dogs, in fact a few weeks ago I was waiting in there and they came out with a little chi not unlike Theo, they told me that it had been dumped and they needed to re home it, my heart was saying yes my head no, when they burst out laughing and gave it to the lady behind who had brought it in to be groomed! Sucker!!!!!

So I asked today for a bag of the chis food it's a brand called SYMPLY, they have been on this dried food for a month or so and seem well suited to it, it's expensive but I think worth it, I asked for the largest sack and was told the largest was only 6kg, "I can't believe they don't do a 12 kg most other companies do"" here's the rep, they laughed" and pointed out a girl who was talking to them.

" oh your the second person to say that to us, we had a phone call from Buckingham Palace, from the Queens lady in waiting, she feeds the corgis on exactly the same food", the company founder doesn't want it by royal appointment though which is a shame, but then what's good enough for Liz is certainly good enough for Roo and co.

Arise Sir Roo and lady Bean!!

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