
By weewilkie

once just a dream

All of the buildings, all of the cars were once just a dream in somebody's head

The line is from Mercy Street by Peter Gabriel, about the troubled poet Anne Sexton. It is one of those lines that I just can't shake. Everything around us, everything man-made started out as existing only in the mind. Someone thought it up and then managed to bring it into the world. After millennia it seems that streets and houses and clothes have always existed, but they haven't. We are living in a created world. The world needn't have looked this way but it does.

Thoughts can be made substantial. The right thoughts, the genius thoughts can put together a thing that becomes a part of our world. The external world of three dimensions. And so our world exists and is shaped by someone else's vision. Where we walk, how we live, what we drive, why we drive.

But it's a dream. All of it. In cosmic time it is a little dream bubble that rose up and popped. It can be gone. It can be replaced by another's vision. So, today look around where you are, at all the things created into the world. Someone's dream made real. It's not the way the world is. It's just a vision. A version of the planet, and a version of the planet can clearly change to a different version. A different vision.

It's all just a dream. So dream on: thoughts are real. Bring them into the world and create your own wee Way of the World.

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