Silver Surf.

J went to the hobby shop in Porthcawl this morning, and rather than sit in the car waiting patiently ( i am not patient )i decided to walk over to the lighthouse to take some photos. I was walking past the harbour, when a helium balloon floated past me with , One in a Million written on it. I tried to grab it but it blew further away. A lady in front of me grabbed it and asked me if it was mine. I said no, and off she went. With that a younger lady came around the corner and said, that's my balloon , it blew out of the car. The lady who had tried to claim it looked a little sheepish, and handed it over. It would have made a great blip floating over the harbour but it wasn't to be. I carried on walking and took loads of photos of the sea. It was quite rough but so very beautiful. I have blipped this scene many times ,but i think it's magic. This afternoon Jan, my hairdresser came and worked her magic. I am looking glam now.Best viewed LARGE.

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