The end is in sight

And what a cracking read it has been. Took me a while to get into it as there are so many characters and places to get your head around but definitely worth sticking with. I've even resisted dumping the book in favour of watching series 1 on DVD which I have. As a reward, I am going to settle down and watch it over the coming weeks. It will be interesting to see how the characters and places compare tho those that I have created in my mind. For me, this can sometimes be the downfall of the film of the book but I'm remaining optimistic.

In other news:

~ Rosina has confirmed her return to the UK on July 5th. One year to the day since she set out for Oz
~ Her boyfriend, Harry, has confirmed his flight for October 5th. She was thrilled
~ Matthew has not had a day off work since March. Working hard as ever. I do hope things settle down soon otherwise he will have no beard left (he picks it when stressed)
~ Luke thinks his school is going to the wall. They haven't paid him in 2 weeks. He is giving them 2 more days to settle up or else he walks. As he says, 'no pay, no Luke'
~ Luke says he is going to get married in January 2015. That is an announcement I will take with a pinch of salt. What we really want if confirmation that Cary will be coming over for the wedding

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