Preparing for Labour Day

Morning off to Ottobeueren as I wanted to get some tomato plants on offer in a supermarket. By the time we arrived the plants still there looked very sorry for themselves, hanging their heads and looking fit for the compost heap. Managed to find 12 that looked like they had a 50/50 chance, loaded them in the car and quickly drove to the other side of town for our walk, parking the car next to the mill stream and giving the plants a good drink.

By the time we got back, the water seemed to have helped. The photo was the only one I took all day and it was a quick WhatsApp message to Angie asking if we needed anything from Memmingen as I planned to go there after lunch. I was planning to take a Blip in Memmingen with the dogs but didn't materialise. On the way home picked up the dog food from the butchers and a bit of cold meat for us.

Home, tomato plants out of the car before they cooked in the car, lunch and then Memmingen. Media Markt a large electrical store to get some WLAN gear. Our WLAN coverage is terrible at home and with Smartphones gets very frustrating especially as our mobile network coverage is even worse. Then to Lidl just to get Angie some Salt & Vinegar crisps which friend Kathi had told her about on Monday. Germany has very few flavoured crisps - no prawn, hedgehog.....I bought the entire shelfload - 3 packets! Angie while not one to try out new foods, has been a salt & vinegar crisps and tinned baked beans fan since her first UK visit in the early 90's. Baked beans are another rare item, with luck Aldi or Lidl have a "British Week" once a year when they are available.

Then next door the pet shop for some cat food and a quick tour of the nearby DIY superstore. Didn't take the dogs into Media Markt as it was packed but took them to the pet shop and DIY. One could take Flash off the lead, he's so good but Luna still needs some time and that's why I did it - she needs the exposure to such situations. It was hard work! Took longer than expected as we got tied up in two long conversations with other dog owners, one a young man who used to have a BC and has been playing with the idea of getting one again but a bit cautious as his first one was a "Luna" rather than "Flash" type - an energy bundle - even though he lives in an ideal property. Know how he feels - should have looked in the pet shop if they have "hamster wheels" for dogs, even better if a generator attached, that way we could replace at least one nuclear electricity plant in southern Germany.

Home to see if we needed to console Angie after last night's tragedy. Luckily FC Bayern had played so badly and clearly didn't deserve to get further, that she didn't mourn at all. Luckily I didn't video her comments during the game - she was critical of how they played from the kick-off whistle.

Bank Holiday tomorrow.

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