Jax and co.

By indusriver

yucky, yuck, yuck!

Today was a warmer day and not so grey - so happy mood all around! Mooching around the house seemed the way to go and so we did. Until this afternoon when friends came over and we took the kids out on their scooters and bikes and roller skates. All good fun...until one of the kids said, "I'm going to catch a rabbit" and since there were plenty hopping around as usual over the fields, off she went. A few minutes later she cried out with delight, "I have one" and sure enough she did, one very docile rabbit tucked in her arms. We marvelled for a split second that she had managed it until the horror dawned on us - that she caught it as it was in its last throes of suffering from Myxomatosis! Up close it was in a very sorry way and once put back down it just laid there. Poor wee thing.

After that I think we all agreed that we will leave wild rabbits alone from now on!

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