Sarah's 2014

By nellie0508

Revenge of the 5th

Another Bank holiday spent in work with the rest of the Sunday figures to complete. Ciara was back in work today after a week off and she brought us all morning coffee, hooray!

I bought sweet treats of Milky Way bars and Magic Stars in my lunch break to wrap as space themed prizes for yesterday's talk up winners and after the Rebellion triumph of yesterday's talk up battle the Sith Lords were out in full Force again today as we set up another talk up challenge in the daily brief.
First floor were off to a flying Star-Destroyer start and managed to maintain their lead throughout the whole day, it really was the Revenge of the 5th! I think the results of today's talk ups may even be better than yesterday!

I wanted to capture some of the in store theming we have enjoyed over the Star Wars weekend before it reverts back to regular Imagination background theming and so captured one of our skyline projections of C3PO and R2D2 on Tatooine. I recently found out that most of the desert scenes were actually filmed in Tunisia.

Highlight of the day was when previous cast member Matheus paid us a special visit. He had come over from London to tie up some loose ends at the tax office and see some familiar old faces in store. Matheus left us just before Christmas last year and now works in Homebase in Learning and Development and his first project was actually working on all the Star Wars training material. He is really enjoying his new job although we miss him terribly. I am looking forward to seeing him again tomorrow before he leaves to go home.

Dinner tonight was tasty fajitas whilst Luke and I watched Modern Family and NCIS:LA before bed.

Today I am grateful to have seen a wonderful friend that I didn't realise just how much I had missed until today.

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