Busy day

Was going to call this invasion of the body baby snatchers, but thought some people may take offence.

Night was not bad at all. i love the baby nest it just helped soothe little man so much quicker.
Charlotte was awake at six so we all ended up in bed watching stuff on the iPad.

From left to right, top to bottom.
Chilling on our bed in the morning
Charlotte getting her balance bike
Auntie Katie cuddles
Uncle John cuddles
Nanny and grandad cuddles
Nanny and cheesey grin cuddles
Unki Jamie, auntie Emma cuddles
Grandma cuddles
Daddy Charlotte and William chilling!

Day has been busy but calm
Charlotte has amazed us with how she has been, major meltdown at bath time, but very tired, had already tripped over and bumped herself, then did it twice more upstairs! She was in bed asleep by 8:15

William has slept, drunk milk, chilled

Bedtime for us all soon, nursery for Charlotte in the morning

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