Lincoln's High Street!

That is the beautiful street which leads you to the Cathedral and castle. It is a very steep hill. It really took a lot of effort for me to get to the top but is was worth it despite the fact that we couldn't see the all of the castle inside.
We saw very nice tearooms, cafes, shops etc. It's a lovely place to spend a weekend. We went to the waterfront as well . It is full of swans and ducks and very nice streets with cafes and shops as well. We had a lovely tea and scone before a nice dinner.
Thanks for the comments about the cathedral. Glad you like it. I knew that. haha!It is a very impressive building. Lucky us it was free because there was a Sunday service. Today cost 8 pounds each.
I am happy with the room and thankful that the internet is working well so I could see some of your pictures and enjoy the blips a little bit. Hope you had a nice weekend.

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