
By samfriday

Wiggly woo

Spent a very warm and sunny bank holiday outside :) whilst the twins were zooming up and down on their bikes, I took the opportunity of fine weather to catch up with some long overdue garden maintenance!

This entailed LOTS of digging up weeds and trimming back daffodil remains, then spreading lots of lovely looking wood bark. The grass had invaded many beds (why does it grow there and not on the lawn?!) so I spent a great deal of time with a fork pulling it all out.

Also managed to varnish a few shelves and start sanding down the picnic bench which needs a complete overhaul again this year!

My hands, back and legs are now extremely achy!!

Anyhow, throughout this digging, I came across countless wigglies helping to aerate my soil and this one obligingly wiggled right in front of little lego lady :)

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