Just not bother

“Just not bother with it.”
A long time ago when I used to work with a civil engineering contractor we frequently had projects that ran in to problems;; unforeseen ground conditions, action or inaction of third parties causing delays or just a slip in the program to completion all conspiring to put massive pressure on managers, foremen and engineers. In this stressful environment the need to try and make amends was such that the above expression was often used in connection with the May Day holiday.
Years later, and self employed, the reality is that such recognised long weekend type holidays have become invisible to me too. Today I just didn’t bother with it either.
On the plus side our survey site was at a lovely location right on the northern edge of the Monadhliath Mountains.

"Monadhliath" pronounced like Mona Lisa without the S; Mona Lee- Ah

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