Tea on the Lawn
A morning of sorting out ‘stuff’ and getting rid of things that should have been disposed of years ago. Why do I need bank statements going back twenty years? Then I spent most of the afternoon asleep as I felt poorly, not sure why except I ached all over, especially my legs and felt cold. Dougal woke me up twice, once by barging his face into mine, I dread to think what he had been catching outside, and then by licking my leg. He then settled down and laid full length against my back. The GOG woke me up with coffee at 1700 hours so I could help him with his bonfire.
Whether it is for the builders or anyone else, everything stops for tea coffee and biscuits on the lawn. What lawn, it is bare earth for much of the lawn outside the back door.
I felt better after having a sleep although the GOG cooked our supper, jacket potatoes cooked in his bonfire; they are always so much better than cooked any other way. Hopefully the fire will still be hot enough to cook some more tomorrow.
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