Two trees

The day didn't start well. At the moment, getting up is the most painful time of day, but this morning the nerve pain was so severe that I felt nauseous, broke out into a sweat and nearly passed out. I thought I had a high pain threshold, but I have never experienced anything like this. Fortunately, once the spasm had passed my leg felt a lot easier, although it may just have been in comparison with the intense pain!

I had a fairly quiet day, catching up with the washing and doing a bit of gardening. I managed to take Rosie for a walk along a bridleway that I haven't visited for many years. I wanted to go somewhere quiet where I could hobble along at my own pace! It proved a good choice, as I only saw one other couple, and at the time I was kneeling down examining a small plant at the edge of an arable field.

These two horse-chestnuts were at the end of my walk, and I was somewhat amused by how incongruous they looked in the middle of the rape field. This scene could only have been taken in May! The black dots in the sky are not pieces of sensor dust (I've cloned those out) but St. Mark's flies, which form large swarms at this time of year. The only thing that's missing is the wonderful chorus of skylark song, that accompanied me for the whole of my walk.

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