Evening all - home again after a very pleasant few days with my family and now a fairly idle evening ahead sifting through the pics I took.
This is one of my first shots of the day - I've a funny feeling the time is set wrong on the camera though as it says 9.42am or thereabouts and it was certainly earlier than that.
Apologies to mum for breaking off mid-conversation when I looked out of the kitchen window - I had to leg it down to the paddock for this bit of prettiness. Shame about the house on the left - I'd like to knock it down but they've only just built it - hey ho......
I imagine this might be a bit dark for some but I've fiddled enough with it and like it as it is.
- 1
- 4
- Sony DSC-R1
- 1/100
- f/13.0
- 26mm
- 200
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