Furnace Lass

By furnacelass

Great Day Out

Have to say the day out for our final game was full of fun and excitement. Great atmosphere at Dundee with the place sold out for this vital game for Dundee.

Dumbarton fans were in full voice despite being in the minority. We had a large number of travelling fans, three busloads and lots of private transport.We didn't win the game but we certainly won the cheering and singing at the game.You have to hand it to football fans , the way they create a song in response to what is happening, just as they did today , turning Hamilton's goal spree into a really cheeky , funny jingle!!!

Dundee fans were getting very worried and went strangley quiet as news of the score at Hamilton v Morton game came in. Shades of Alex Fergusons, "squeaky bum time " We were playing so well and heading towards an equaliser which would have seen Dundee in 2nd place with Hamilton wning the league.

What a nailbiting last ten minutes for them and what excitement for us. We almost did it!! Denied a stonewall penalty after we scored from a penalty and after that another penalty denied ( softer option for that one ). Cowardly ref!!!!!!
Never mind they are the only team in the league to have beaten us this year and they are headed for the premier league where , on the strength of today's performance by them, are likely to languish at the lower end.

Tonight I'd like to share with you an image of a section of our support having a ball a the game ! Fancy dress off course for some of them followed by a change into the glad rags on return to our own stadium for our end of season award dance.
Roll on September !

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