After the rat!

Well hopefully the compost heap is now clear of ratty.

I pulled the full compost heap apart; emptying about a quarter of the compost onto the front garden; and putting the rest to one side.

Moved all the old pots and stuff that had accumulated around the compost heap, and after a lot of moving, put the smaller plastic cover inside the bigger one - in an attempt at stopping ratty getting back in. He or she appears to get in via the door at the bottom; so with them 'double skinned'; hopefully ratty will no longer take up residence.

I still have to tidy up the branches that are on the decking after I pruned next doors tree, and put some of the tiles / bricks back in their pile! They may come in useful at somepoint.

However, they'll probably just move under the decking or the sheds.

The eagle eyed amongst you may notice the pompoms on the ash tree.

Still got at least one more to go up; but we've not made any more new ones in a while.

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