wait just one more shot

By Susanbmathew

I wonder what this button does?

I know this rose will open
I know my fears will burn away
I know my soul will unfurl it's wings
I know this rose will open......

This is a round that we sing in my chorus at the retreat every year.
My photo is the interior of the rose I blipped the other day. I ended up with a bouquet of all different colors. They are all open and lovely.

So here is where I am lacking. The settings on my camera. I know I need instruction. I am just going to have to read more. When I used a film camera, I faked it. Yes people it was luck, pure luck. Let me tell you how I feel about understanding the settings on my camera; It is like learning Yiddish.

And this little redhead with Scottish heritage, I know that how? Well I was talked into this class by a friend who wanted to understand what his parents were talking about. This was extremely difficult for many reasons. First of all, Yiddish is written right to left. It also has very subtle differences in the letters and get this, they have different words for everything!
I am of the firm mind that when you find something you are good at stick with it. So ........this was not my forte. I was the only person in the class who was not Jewish. I was way out of my league.
But we had fun and I did retain some words.

And guess what? You can also mispronounce words in Yiddish that turn out to be dirty.
Now THAT may be my forte!!!!!!

See you later today.......

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