Leanne's Random Photos

By Leannespics

New circle of friends!

As I'm backblipping, I noticed that I hardly took any picture on Christmas day. How did that happen? Usually I take several shots of each gift as it's being opened. And lots of shots of the wonderful dinner. And a few of the tree. And a hummingbird or two. And ....And....

Guess what the kids got for Christmas? And who was taking sooooo many pictures????? Let me tell you, there are some spoiled children around here. Oh, and uh, me too! ;) (Yeah, mine's the tall guy in the middle!)

Hundereds of pictures were taken on Christmas day! And videos too! Even had to delete some videos and have a discussion about inappropriate video taking. That was not fun.

Lots of batteries worn out. We'll be getting rechargable soon.

I'm slowly getting back to "normalcy" after Christmas....back to blipping in a timely fashion. And commenting too. I feel like I've missed so much!

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