Of Little Consequence

By Alkal23

Dog in my shed.

Today was nice, André woke me at 8 with a huge glass of green juice, he reeled off the ingredients, funny how 2 stalks of celery taste like 6. It's hard to disguise the taste of celery, but if it tastes bad it must be good for you.

I washed a whole load of vintage Levi's , which are on eBay at the moment, Andrés Levi's I might add. I have never known a man with more clothes, he has 2 wardrobes full of things he doesn't even look at. But I've looked .... He has over 25 jackets, it's probably a good thing I don't go into the loft, I know there's a ton of crap up there.

I roasted cauliflower tonight, it was yum, I never knew you could roast cauliflower. I learn something new most days.

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