Do they have to!

This morning was a much nicer day again. A lovely morning walk in the sunshine. At lunch time my Humans got a call from the back up to say that Cali and Sweepie had to send her home as she was being sick. It's just not like her at all. I don't think I've ever known her to be ill like that. I sent my Humans over in the afternoon to walk my friends, to let her rest. I was going to send them over again in the evening but she managed to get out of bed and walk them all herself. She said she even felt better with a bit of fresh air. In the evening at my house there were little humans out in the street kicking a football. I wasn't impressed and kept growling at them.

The blip is of me watching the noisy little critters outside. With my not impressed face. Luv Ginnie Xx.

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