
Extra verdancy (recommended)

First, the viewing never happened. It's re-arranged for Friday, and someone else is seeing the house on Tuesday. It's good to know that there is some interest finally. It's a rather quirky old house. There is someone out there for whom it will be perfect - like it was for me.

Saturday means cricket now, but it has not been an auspicious day for the boys. Last week saw two very narrow defeats. Today saw too more comprehensive defeats. Roam came up from London this morning for the match but I suspect tiredness got the better of him. He didn't bowl well and is taking it all very personally. I've just told him that one of the biggest problems with tiredness is that it makes for poor decision-making. I suffered from that too today and ended up at the two games at the wrong times as a result.

Having got up early to finish cleaning the house, and then rather deflated that nobody was going to see the fruits of my labour, I had trouble finding the will to get out on the bike on what was a spectacularly beautiful morning. But once out I then wished that I had a clear day to just tootle around the Dales. Taking a bit too much time taking photographs I had to get a major sprint on to get back to Ilkley and Roam's game. It wasn't happening for him with the ball so when he took himself off I decided to go over the hill to Steeton in case Forrest was piling on the runs for the first. I arrived just after a batting collapse. Eldest son was beating himself for getting out when well and truly set on 41 and looking to capitalise on a good start after the drinks interval. This is not an easy game.

I clocked up well over 50 miles, many of which were at a good lick, which is perhaps why I've been suffering with cramp since getting back. There was a period when I couldn't move at all without seizing up. What's going on with me?Not suffered with cramp as badly as this in a long while.

Roam has just got back from the club and needs some cheering up. In a way, it's good to know that I still have a fatherly role to play. We're going to hang out for a bit.

I'm really in a black and white mood but I think I need a bit of colour tonight.

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