Occasionally Focused

By tsuken

Doing Work for Yoda

Down to the 'Riff today for a few things. When there we happened upon a buildingness of Lego. With it being Star Wars Day tomorrow, a world record attempt is going on: a quarter of a million bricks going into the world's largest Lego Darth Vader (next to him, Yoda will require some 110,000 bricks). Dan, a professional Lego builder (how does one get that job, one must wonder) has come out from the USA, and kids (of all ages) are being encouraged to help make large bricks from small.

Asked whether they wanted to help the good side or the dark, there was no hesitation from little miss sith, seen here attempting her first block. (Observant observers may note she has danced to her own drummer rather than follow the instructions provided by someone else - who couldn't possibly have anything to teach her.... :p After a bit of correction however, she started storming along.)

After a spell of building, we went off to lunch. After that we returned to build more.

The lad went to the good side, and made armfuls of bricks for Yoda. This greatly impressed the organisers and Yoda-builder guy, who did a mini-interview on the microphone, asking his name and how many blocks he had - which he announced loudly and proudly - to be told then he was a "super-champion builder". He's rather chuffed. 8)

Click to enYodanate.

There are a few more pics on Flickr

(Oh, and bonus points to anyone who picks up the title reference.)

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