My life in blips

By Goretex

We've still got snow!

I can't actually remember when snow stayed around for so long - not that I'm complaining. It was a bit "warmer" today although not quite shorts and tee-shirt weather) so the paths were a little slippier.

Had a lazy morning listening to the radio, watching Saturday Kitchen. SD popped over the road for a cup of tea and for some different conversation!

Took MP a walk in the afternoon on the Moss - funniest moment was when we began to walk home along one of the side streets off the Moss. I had her on the lead whilst passing a car which had just drawn up with some dogs in it. They started to bark at her and she got so excited, she started running round the parked car. She caught me off balance, it was so slippy and I couldn't stop her .... she was off. It was like a comedy scene with me being pulled along on the end of the lead, shouting at her to stop as she excitedly circled the parked car! Eubers and the people in the car just killed themselves laughing!

Back in the warmth of the house now about to read up on how to work my camera - a chapter a day I think.

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