Guinea Pig Zero

By gpzero

The Proprietor

This is the Cat In Residence at the pet supply store around the corner. He exudes confidence and good health; looks at you like a mature, professional staff member. We have met many times but I can't recall his name (too embarrassed to ask).

This intelligent, well-dressed creature owns the store in no uncertain terms, usually hovering at the rear. Occasionally I see him holding forth to the adoptable orphans billeted in the front window for a week at a time. Those cats and kittens would do well to take advice from this one. His fortunate situation speaks from every shiny strand of his fur, and one immediately knows, by the calm in his face, that he deserves every grain of that luck.

[EDIT] I stopped in and asked the cat's name, and I was so embarrassed --It's a lady cat! Her name is Missy Moo.

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