
By weewilkie

pink blossom paths

It was sunny. Yes, there were some sunshine days. Some days where we sat outback our home and relaxed into the road that had led us there. Late Spring skies. Early Summer promise. Maybe some wine. And there would be this blessing from next door's tree. The pink blossom falling like a wedding day joy of everyone tumbling in hope.
And our smile met smile. eye met eye. It was alright those times, when we were suddenly showered in pink petals from above. I could say that our love would walk the strewn path of blossom. But it didn't, it wouldn't. It is fleeting and the petals soon wilt to a nuisance to be swept up.

Yet walking these grey Glasgow streets I am laid a path of petals. The trees shower me with Hosannas and every good wish for the onward journey beneath my feet. I see it and smile and am thankful. I look for that other smile, that other eye that isn't there. Just petals crushed step by step.

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