The Oldies went to Nymans

As I had a day off today (now that I work Saturdays!) I asked Mr W to take me out somewhere instead of just wasting the day 'pottering' and doing DIY. That's what Mr W does now that he's retired!! We realised today that this was his first week of no work since he got his bus pass!!

Anyway, I suggested we to popped to Nymans Gardens as we have an annual old peoples National Trust Membership and its only down the road from us - and they sell cake!

We got a bit lost in the Bluebell Woods, trod in cow pat, talked to the cows (ok, only I did that bit!), ate cake and took hundred of photos (ok, only I did that bit!) but it was a nice afternoon out and we managed to miss the rain which was amazing considering the colour of the clouds.

I liked this shot best as I was lucky to get it. The sun only shone for a few minutes and I thought the house looked amazing in the sunshine against the black sky. Or is that the sort of thing only old people think?!!


Just had a text from Daughter Number 1 saying she passed the first interview for her Social Work Degree she was working on in yesterdays blip. She was so nervous. Well chuffed!

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