just sitting,

By justsitting

The present invasion started getting ready at 5.55am with R coming through and asking if she could go and open her presents. Her comment straight after asking was, 'And don't tell me no', So she went off with E as the advanced attack, She couldn't stand on her two wee feet without bouncing up and down with the excitment of it all. Soon afterwards A joined the attack. She too was super excited.

The best gift I think they both got was pair of microphones, and they have been wandering about the house all day singing and dancing with them.

Me- I have reached the age where I was over the moon with a catering pack of black socks and an Elvis CD.

My mum, dad, sister and her partner came over for dinner, it was great time.

After Aunty put the girls to bed we played a couple of Scottish quizes, at which my dad cheated as usual :-)

Hope yours has been as good as mine.

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