The writing's on the wall

Here we go again... as Ed and Renee prepare for the '70's themed do at William's school later in the year. All kinds of strange capers going on whilst I am chained to my work desk in the adjacent room.

Went to see the Urologist last evening about the stone in my right kidney. I saw it on the Xray and it is bigger than the one that caused the problem in my left kidney and therefore bigger than the tube it has to pass through... yikes (for want of a better word!) So, I have 3 options;

1. leave it for 4 to 6 months then have a scan to see if it has got bigger

2. Go through the same invasive procedure I've just had which requires a general anaesthetic and a thin wire inserted up into my kidney to blast it.

3. A less invasive procedure where they blast it to fragments with a special sound wave machine through the skin. This requires me to be sedated but not knocked out, or as he put it... " a shot of gin and tonic in the arm to make you woosey"

I think I am reasonably sure that option 3 is the best, although I will still have to pass the tiny fragments... ouch, ooch, eech.

Anyway, hope you all have a super Bank Holiday weekend planned blippers.

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