
By LaKwAtSeRa

No more "pin boys" this time...

My morning routine is usually filled with checking my jobs in the compute servers. I thought that i would be greeted with finished results today but then was disappointed to see that my jobs stopped again! So i check my email to see if another crash occured in the compute nodes. There was nothing. Check my job script. Lo and behold! I should have learned by now! My stupidity is going to be the end of me! Instead of putting in 48:00:00, i put in 00:48:00. So of course the job would only run for 48 minutes instead of 48 hours! graaaaaahhhhhhh. No choice but to accept another wasted time and re-run my jobs again and again and again and again.

So printed all the papers related to the talk last Monday. Only to realize that i wont be able to use the diversity techniques mentioned in the study as it was referring to some classifiers of some ensemble learning rather than managing how to diversify a population of solutions (of which i am interested in). Now back to the drawing board. Sigh....

Good thing i had something to look forward after a day of research work. Bowling! Yep! Automated bowling scoring. No pin boys this time. And bumpers along the gutter could be raised too! Now that's more like it! I scored 91 in the first round and 100 in the second round. Apparently one of the best scores during the night. hihihihihi :) I couldnt help bragging as i usually rank in the bottom half when i play with my friends back in the Phils :)

Ok let's see if i can still remember all the names of the people in this photo : There is Izzy, Bola, Alaina, Hector, Kasra, Nini, Alessandro, Yuanwei, Jenny, Jasmine, Sophie, Oliver!

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