Photos from my phone and

By Mylifemyphotos

test print

I never use my printer for printing photos - it's far to expensive -but thought i would give it ago just for the sake of it.
The photo is because I was totally stuck for a blip as I have been at the theatre tonight at a rehearsal of Duets - show is in two weeks and it is fantastic.
So I thought I would blip what else I had been doing today.
There is a lot of red in this print, but there was a lot of red light used on the stage - this is of course a still from Love Story - going to get a copy professionally printed - but this one will do for my desk at work - can't wait to pin it up.

No rehearsals til Tuesday - so hopefully the blips will improve until then

Oh and thanks for all the comments and stars for yesterday's blip - highest number of views and stars I have had so far - it is very encouraging xx

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