Boilerhouse Bird

I have been in decline for the past few days as I hadn't seen my grey wagtails. I've seen the buzzards circling and had convinced myself these beautiful, trusting birds had been taken.

I'm still getting over my virus so just sat on a truck and shot what came my way. Mr Blackie was doing sterling work providing juicy worms and assorted flies. Greenfinches were twittering above. A crow flew over and returned with a morsel in its beak. I can tell by a nick in a feather that it is the same one that I have photographed before. I got a pair of buzzards in the same frame.

Imagine my delight when I spotted Christian. He and the Grey Lady have a nest in the disused boilerhouse.

I shot a Hockneyesque Big Hawthorn in honour of May Day, complete with a robber fly but it would have needed too much explanation. :)

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