Dawn's Journal

By DawnP

"Village Green"

Mayday conjures up a bucolic vision of a village green with a maypole decorated with ribbons held by dancing girls in pretty white dresses. Across the green the local watering hole pub is doing a good trade serving the band of Morris Dancers in their colourful costumes and ringing bells. On the opposite side of the green, the church choir is in full voice:

Now is the month of maying,
When merry lads are playing,
Fa la la la la la la la la,
Fa la la la la la lah.
Each with his bonny lass
Upon the greeny grass.
Fa la la, etc...

The 21st century version is a rather dismal day, and a shot across the green space provided on the large housing estate I live on. The provision of a council grant a few years back has resulted in "Village Green" facilities including an outdoor gym, skate board ramps, and children's play area. Yet I rarely see any real use of these (and I don't use them myself) and it would seem that in this area at least, the village social life has long gone.

May Challenge by AnnieMay and MollyMay

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