One Man and his Dog

If you live in East Lothian and are regularly pounding the beaches you are almost sure to meet up with this guy. His name is Jonny and he patrols many of the local beaches and picks up litter three or four days a week. I am never sure whether he is reimbursed by the council for his services but most probably not and just cares deeply about the environment. He is out there clearing the beaches in all sorts of weather. He performs a marvellous public service and the good reputation of most of the East Lothian beaches for cleanliness and hygiene owes much to his diligence. He is a very quiet unassuming guy. He is always accompanied by his dog who is slightly less predictable, friendly with some dogs, eg. he plays with Zoe but attacks other dogs in a rather proprietorial manner as if all the beaches are his fiefdom,

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