New Camera - gonna use it

By LubyLoo

365 - back to the start.

Ok. It's taken me rather longer than a year to get to this milestone. I started in Jan 2012 and then took a big break when I lost the addiction.

Since Feb this year I have been blipping again. It's been a rocky time as you know. Losing my beloved Mom was tough but I have found this journal really therapeutic and I really appreciate all your lovely comments and good wishes.

I feel like I have changed a lot since I published that first blip. Some great and exciting things have happened to me - I left a secure job to start contracting, went to New York and to Oz, met some great new friends, lost 5.5 stone, became a red head and found a love of exercise and ran my first 5k. And some not so great things have happened - the two that probably have shaped things most have been my Moms illness and separating from my husband. Both in the same year. Pretty crappy.

I am still here. Still smiling. Still loving my life. Still embarking of adventures and challenges. Still with amazing friends and a brilliant family so I guess I can't complain in the scheme of things.

Here is to another 365 blips. Can't promise I won't take another break or get distracted but can promise I will eventually find my way back here to blipland.

Thank to everyone who has taken the time to pop by and comment. Every one is appreciated.

My first blip was Calvin so seems appropriate that he should appear again on his red cushion. He was old back in 2012. He is now 88 in human years and although creaking is still going strong.


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