
This afternoon on my walk I came across an old bath in the middle of a field and it was filled with yuky water.

I stood and looked at it for a while and was just wondering if I should jump in and do my hippo impersonation and have a good old wallow about in it, when do you know what happened?............................................

…………………………….I spotted loads of bunnies playing in the sunshine.

Well obviously bunnies play in fields so that gorgeous little collies like me can chase them.

The bunnies totally distracted me from jumping into the water. I went zooming off after them. There were so many of them I didn’t know which one to chase first. Unfortunately bunnies can run very, very fast and I couldn’t catch any of them. I’ve never, ever caught a bunny even though I think I’m a super speedy collie!

By the time I came back to Ann I was panting so much that my tongue almost touched the ground?!!

Ann said, ‘Molly, that’s a good workout you’ve had. We can go home now’.

As soon as we got home I had a huge drink and then I gobbled up my dinner. Totally zonked out now.

............................................. Perhaps I’m not as super speedy as I think I am??!!!

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