Wednesday: Spotlit Graffiti

Yesterday I mentioned that I had been introduced to a great little cafe and that I would soon be back.  No time like the present, I say, and so tonight I dragged K. out for a few drinks and some backgammon.  Our decision was also helped by the fact that a) tomorrow is one of those wonderful random public holidays that you get here and b) we are still without internet which also throws our TV out so if we were going to sit and talk to each other, we might as well do it out as in.

So yesterday's shot was inside, this shot was the graffiti outside.

We ended up at the Chinese which I had to pay for as I had lost the backgammon challenge.  Next time, though, victory shall be mine!!!

P.S.  Have just noticed that the photo is much lighter on the ipad than it is on the main computer.  How odd...........the ipad version is the intended one......

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