Growing old disgracefully



Having been hard at it most of today I felt like a bit of light relief in the evening and unleashed my inner jeweller. I have wanted to make an illusion* choker for a while - this is my first effort.

I was a wee bit startled to find this was my 1000th blip. I wonder about the life I present here - how much of it is illusion? Generally, I think I capture and tell the truth, but only part of it of course. But then, how much of ourselves do we actually reveal any where, how do we present it to others and even to ourselves?

More questions than answers, I fear, but whatever the story is, I am enormously grateful for photo journalling. The discipline sometimes irritates, especially when I don't feel inspired to photograph - but the daily need to notice stuff helps me stay centred and in touch with the wonderful, fearful world about me and connected to this amazing worldwide community, always so generous and encouraging. If you are looking and listening, thank you all so much.

* So called because of the illusion that the beads are floating unattached to the wire.

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