Where's your head gone Hercules?

Daddy did nursery this morning, (once I had dressed her etc) once they left I headed back to bed for a bit.

Did jobs, cleaned two lots of tortoises out, washing sorted, headed out to Malvern.

Lovely lunch with one of Charlotte's honorary aunties and her little girl. Very chilled, very tasty. From here then went to see the midwife! All ok.

Home, more pottering, went to collect Munchie. A certain little girl did a poo just as we were about to get into the car! Total meltdown. Ended up going back into nursery to get her changed as had nothing in the car. Home, played.

Charlotte likes carrying the tortoises in at the end of the day, she was so upset when Hercules pulled his head in, love her bottom lip!

I started milk / bed / sent daddy to the pub. She heard him come home, daddy ended up taking over..... I sat downstairs. Tonight is first night we have taken the 'tick' noise off the monitor, feels very odd not hearing it.

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