Into the mist

Worked at home, Tim the painter has managed to completely transform Will's room in just one day. I am now trying very hard not to ask him to redecorate the whole house, I had forgotten how lovely a bit of new paint can look.

Met Benelia for lunch on the pier, such a lovely new place we have there and for the first time in bloody ages I dithered about what to blip. I am also dithering about putting myself forward to be a parent governor at Will's school - they have massive change coming in the next couple of years and I would really like to stick my nose in get involved in a constructive and useful manner. My main worry is currently that there would be some sort of vote which I would lose dramatically because I am not the most social of mums (I have three friends there, why would I need any more?). As the eminently sensible Benelia pointed out though, that's not actually a terrible thing to happen.....

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