
By CharlotteJ

Duvet Day!

I like Tess’s idea today!! I haven’t had a chance to tidy up our top floor after the water works over the last few days, and this spare duvet is on the floor, clearly now a perfect bed for Tess.
I’m in the office today and I don’t mind sharing with you all that I am a little annoyed with some members of my team! I consider myself to be a reasonable person and asking for them all to take a little responsibility over office supplies is not a huge thing to ask. I don’t want to rant but if the soap in the ladies has finished, replace it. If there is something in the fridge dying, bin it. If there is one black ink left a week ago, order some more. Is it really that hard?? We are a smallish office and unfortunately, the office day to day admin such as tea / milk / coffee / water / kitchen supplies comes down to us but increasingly, it’s come down to me and I believe it should be a shared responsibility as we are all using the certain items. Rant over and polite but firm email issued!!
Anyways, must get on busy day and about to go into a finance meeting then tonight whilst hubby is in Wales for the night I am off to dinner with my bestie.


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