The Countdown Let Down

At the beginning of today my countdown was 1 homework assignment, 2 quizzes, 4 essays, 6 tests, and 16 days until all my friends graduate without me.

But now it’s just 1 hw, 1 quiz, 2 essays, 6 tests, and 16 days…so I got that going for me. I was real proud of myself for finishing those 2 essays and applying for an internship…until I realized that one of the essays is not due this Wednesday but next Wednesday. I will be in a permanent state of stressed for 16 days while my friends are all giddy and not caring about school anymore. For example, right now they’re at the bar drinking 10 cent beers and I’m crying about my Anatomy practical tomorrow.

Remember all those beautiful seedlings I was growing a few weeks ago? I brought them home for my father to take care of while I was in Costa Rica and he killed 76/78 of them. All that remains is this orchid and my bamboo shoot.

I'm also having a real rough time because I'm a dumbass who left her wallet back home on Long Island on Sunday. It's a struggle when you can only go into your apartment if someone is there to let you in and you can only eat if your lovely boyfriend spots you the cash.

I guess you could say I have the Monday blues. Edit: Holy cow. I published this entry before realizing it's Tuesday. Geezus, today is a struggle.

"Maybe there’s a reason behind it all, we just don’t know it yet."
-G. Mattias

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