A garden full of sparrows
As the title suggests, my garden was full of sparrows this evening. So much so that I sat at the other side of the dining room table for my evening meal, with my camera set up ready to grab if suitable shots presented themselves.
I was lucky that some of the smaller birds, sparrows and a friendly robin, were coming right down the lawn and fairly close to the window. Unfortunately, with my longest lens being 300mm the shot still needed a fairly severe crop to give it any impact.
Besided the crop, processing was firstly a simple colour pop using the adjustment brush in Lightroom, then an increase in clarity. Not perfect, but Photoshop has decided to stop working again when I came to process the shot - oh the joys!!!
- 0
- 0
- Nikon D700
- 1/100
- f/5.6
- 300mm
- 1000
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