Migratory Bird

By m-bird

The Daily Path

This is my dog, Smilla. She is 13 years old (actually 4th of july is her birthday) I share custody with my ex so she has been at his place for a week now. The rain has been pouring almost all of that week, and I have stayed inside the house moping. But now she´s with me again, and no matter what weather, we have to take our walks.
The rain stopped for a while and I did some blipping. Amazing colour on the grass, I thought! Red against green again, and with Smilla in the pic too it would be beautiful.

Yeah, sure! Those of you who have some experience with dogs, old ones in particular, know that when you want them to do something, they can be awfully stubbern!

I took at least 10 pics before I could get her.
"You can´t learn old dogs to sit" is a swedish saying, and I know what it means!

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