The N scale layout plan
I am beginning to build the N scale world in another room at our town home. It is a small bedroom which we use as an exercise room - and soon also a second train room. The large space in the middle holds both a large treadmill as well as my cycle trainer. The closet is my train man-cave blipped long ago.
The layout has seven staging tracks that allow me to bring onto the layout different trains, run them, and return them to staging. Sort of an on-stage off-stage deal. By throwing a couple of turnouts (switches) I can have a train circle the layout forever I suppose, but I prefer the out and back motion so that a train only goes through the scenery once.
The garage has a nice pile of wood and today I am making final preparations for construction of the wood base. The top of the layout will be at 43 inches above the floor - perfect viewing height when sitting.
And no - I am not done with the Sn3 layout. That will continue as well. Good that I am retired. I feel very lucky to be able to have two layouts so different.
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