This day

By snapper

Kung foo fighting

Sometimes they get too active and it becomes quite real but at the moment its just fun.
Went to Oban today to a meeting (hooray holidays now) then looked around the shops, had hubby so I was to pick something I wanted for Christmas, you don't know how hard that is to do! I didnt realy need anything but eventually I opted for a pair of waterproffy fur lined ankle boots so I can tuck my breeks in them when I take pooches out for a walk. Bought a few other odds and ends but the place was hoaching so after a visit to Pets at home to get toys for the doggies and a supply of dog food we made our way back.
Roads a bit iffy as the Council are still not gritting, what is it with these guys?

Off to collect youngest nestling from work, have a snack and then a dram in front of our roaring log fire

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