Breast cancer -check. Done.

Over a year has gone since the last check. Everything is normal atill - no sign of any problems, neither breast cancer.

I am reliefed!

In Finland we have check ups every 5th year if tou are woman and over 40 years. But in the meanwhile I have begun to pay examination on my own between the normal check ups once in 1-2 years. If you are over 60 you have free check every other yera. Many of my friends seem to have found a breast canger, that is why I am precosious. I paid today 166euros for the examination.

Lovely day, cloudy and warm (no freeze in the night) - a lot of bird singing indoors as I have been working home today via remote access. Busy and fun.

But got also bad news today: One of my collaque's child, a teenager girl that I met last summer, has found to be anorectic - and has been in hospital last week. I pray for the family, nasty disease. But winable.

Thanks for the absolute stunning amount of conmebts and stars yesterday. Very kind of you. You should maybe try the cold dip sometimes!?

Take care of you and your loved ones!

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